
Language Arts
Students will recite Eletelephony this Wednesday. There will be spelling words as usual and a test Thursday. For writing and grammar, we will study figures of speech.. Lastly, in Pinocchio, we’ll read chapters 32-34.

This week we will study multiplication and division word problems. There will be a quiz on Thursday.  If you can volunteer for math groups please use this link to RSVP: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508084ba4a92da6fa7-math
We will start the week with a scavenger hunt, on a mission to find mammals throughout our classroom! We will also be making a flipbook to help us review all of the different animals we have been learning about! Students will be given a study guide on Monday. Please help your scholar fill this out throughout the week with help from their Mr. Fab packet! They will have a test next week.

This week we will present our Canada Projects! Please make sure your child comes to school with their project on Monday. We will also have our Canada assessment on Thursday. Study guides were completed in class and sent home on Friday.


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