
Showing posts from March, 2018


Language Arts: Please send in Little House On the Prairie! To prep for AZ Merit Writing, we will be completing a practice exam online. Instead of spelling this week, we will be working with historical and persuasive texts. Math:  This week we will be discussing perimeter.  We will relate perimeter to area as we progress through the week.  There will be a short quiz on perimeter on Thursday.  Science:  Our Astronomy Unit will continue with a look at planets, moons, and stars.  In addition we will learn about different types of galaxies and the history of our solar system.     History: This week we will continue to learn about Jamestown. We will look more into the “Starving Time” and how the colonists survived. We will also spend time focusing on Pocahontas and how she assisted with the interactions between colonists and Indians.


Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful and restful spring break! Language Arts: We will finish the Little Prince this week, so please be prepared to send in Little House On the Prairie. For writing we will complete an opinion essay about First Kids in the White House. Instead of spelling this week, we will be working with poetry, drama, and informational texts. Math:  To begin quarter four we will be wrapping up the area unit we began before break.  This week we will look more in depth at composite figures. There will be an assessment on Friday.   Science:  This week we will begin our Astronomy Unit!  This is always an exciting unit that intrigues many of the students.  We will begin with the Big Bang theory and then we will discuss the structure and composition of the universe.   History: This week we will begin learning about the thirteen colonies! We will focus on the Virginia colony this week. We will also learn about the role John Smith played in helping the Vi

Fraction Party Sign-Up!

Fraction Party


Language Arts: We will have 15 spelling words and a test on Friday. We are currently memorizing “Dream Variations” by Langston Hughes and the recitation will be on Mar. 7. With writing and grammar we are working within the opinion genre. The class is writing an essay on Monday and typing on Tuesday. Math: This week we will begin applying our knowledge of area to word problems and composite figures.  There will be a short quiz on Wednesday and the area unit will continue after Spring Break.  On Friday we will be playing some fraction games for our end of 3rd quarter celebration! Science: In Science we will be continuing our Ecology unit.  We will be discussing biomes and impact of environmental changes.  In addition we will learn about John Muir and taking our Ecology test on Friday. History: This week we will continue to learn about the Early Explorers. We will learn about John Cabot and Henry Hudson. Then we will see where the first French colony was established by Cha