
Showing posts from February, 2018


Language Arts: We will pick spelling back up this week with our normal test on Friday. We are currently memorizing “Dream Variations” by Langston Hughes and the recitation will be on Mar. 7. With writing and grammar we are working with the opinion genre and the class will be working on a literature focused essay. If your child still has not brought in a copy of The Little Prince , please make sure to send it in this week! Math: This week we will be learning area.  Students will first be introduced to the concept of area and then we will get into the equation to solve area problems for rectangles.  We are building up to our lessons on areas of composite figures.   Science: In Science we will be continuing our Ecology unit.  We will be discussing types of organisms, the role of the sun, types of consumers, and food chains. History: This week we will learn about the Early Spanish Explorers. We will see how Ponce de Leon tried to search for the fountain of youth and about h


MAP benchmark testing is Tuesday! Language Arts: We begin The Little Prince this week! Please make sure your child’s copy has made it to school. We are learning how to properly organize opinion writing this week! Due to the shortened week and MAP testing, there will be no spelling this week. We will still be reviewing phonograms though. The extra time will be spent on writing. Math: This week we will be doing a review of our Time Unit and a cumulative review.  The students will have an assessment on Friday. Science: In Science we will be starting our new unit on Ecology.  We will be looking at habitats and comparing living and nonliving things.   History: This week will learn more about the Eastern Woodland People and what happened when the European Settlers came. We will also be reviewing throughout the week and testing our knowledge on the Earliest Americans on Friday.


A Day for Friendship - Wednesday, February 14th is Great Hearts Day! We have reserved this special day to focus on the virtue of friendship and celebrate the traits that make a great-hearted student. Teachers are planning interactive and fun activities centered around these topics, and time will be set aside for students to create hand-made Great Hearts Day cards for their classmates.  Archway Arete strives to cultivate a rich, academic environment rooted in the classical tradition. This many times requires popular culture to be left at the door. On that note, students will not be permitted to bring store-bought valentines, candy, or gifts to school . Thank you for partnering with us. Language Arts : This week please send in The Little Prince for literature. We will be writing an informational essay about the Inuit people on Tuesday. Tuesday will be almost completely dedicated to writing to prepare the class to write an essay from start to finish in one school day. Each child w

Field Day Fun!



Just a reminder, there is no school on Friday! Language Arts : We will complete the Trumpet of the Swa n this week and students may take it home on Thursday. Please be prepared with The Little Prince by next Monday. Father William by Lewis Carroll should be memorized for recitations in Feb.7th! Students will be typing their latest piece of writing this Tuesday and there will be a prepositions quiz on Thursday. Their goal is to have the entire list memorized! The spelling test will be on Thursday too, to accommodate the short week. Math: This week we will begin our unit on time!  We will begin with telling time, converting hours and minutes, and word problems with time.   Science : We will continue our unit on light.  This week we will focus on lenses and refraction, as well as color! The students will have the opportunity to get their hands on convex and concave lenses and mirrors to experience these materials first hand.   History: We will continue with our Earl