
Language Arts:
We will pick spelling back up this week with our normal test on Friday. We are currently memorizing “Dream Variations” by Langston Hughes and the recitation will be on Mar. 7. With writing and grammar we are working with the opinion genre and the class will be working on a literature focused essay. If your child still has not brought in a copy of The Little Prince, please make sure to send it in this week!

This week we will be learning area.  Students will first be introduced to the concept of area and then we will get into the equation to solve area problems for rectangles.  We are building up to our lessons on areas of composite figures.  

In Science we will be continuing our Ecology unit.  We will be discussing types of organisms, the role of the sun, types of consumers, and food chains.

History: This week we will learn about the Early Spanish Explorers. We will see how Ponce de Leon tried to search for the fountain of youth and about how Christopher Columbus established a colony! Students will also learn about the search for El Dorado! Be prepared for some interesting and fun conversations!


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